On Wednes­day the 20th Sep­tem­ber, 10 — 17 o’clock, we will present our work in Brühl at the Belvedere park­ing lot and are here for your questions!
A child is miss­ing! A per­son with demen­tia has left the nurs­ing home with an unknown des­ti­na­tion! In a sim­i­lar way, deploy­ments for Mantrail­er begin. Rel­a­tives and care­givers are often over­whelmed in such a sit­u­a­tion. And few peo­ple know that there are spe­cial­ly trained dogs to call for help in such sit­u­a­tions. Mantrail­er West would like to inform about this, also to demon­strate in prac­ti­cal demon­stra­tions what our dogs are capa­ble of. Of course, we are also avail­able for a per­son­al chat about our vol­un­teer work. Inter­est­ing is our work for, among oth­er things, nurs­ing homes, youth cen­ters, kinder­gartens and schools, but ordi­nary cit­i­zens can also rely on our work from now on. We are look­ing for­ward to see­ing you!
Mantrail­er west dog res­cue e.v.