After the 2021 flood, we pro­vid­ed quick and uncom­pli­cat­ed first aid with the help of col­leagues and friends. Our relay leader has been dri­ving through the flood area every day for around 3 weeks with var­i­ous col­leagues and dis­trib­uted relief sup­plies. Emer­gency pow­er units, sub­mersible pumps, shov­els, brooms, extrac­tors, work gloves, work boots, wellies and much more. To the helpline for horse own­ers in Burg Satzvey , which itself was extreme­ly affect­ed by the flood, with the sup­port of Emo­tion Pferd and Patri­cia Gräfin Beis­sel GmbH — Konzepte & Enter­tain­ment some horse food and med­i­cines for hors­es was deliv­ered. The col­leagues from Mantrail­er-Sylt-Ret­tung­shunde e.V. also helped there. Through col­leagues in north­ern Ger­many, we were able to orga­nize some mate­r­i­al for their destroyed fire sta­tion for the Frei­willige Feuer­wehr — Löschzug Schleiden
We have gained some new friends, expe­ri­enced a lot of grat­i­tude, expe­ri­enced a great will­ing­ness to help, and seen great togeth­er­ness. So the dis­as­ter, as bad as it was, also brought some­thing good.